Want time, location & financial freedom?

Join the waitlist for The 60-Day Startup Success Program.

This program is for you if ...

  • you're a woman entrepreneur, coach, freelancer, or 9-5 professional who's tired of trying to figure this entrepreneur thing out alone
  • you're getting nowhere with earning a living with your business idea
  • you're overwhelmed with creating your business and setting up your business correctly
  • you struggle to attract good-fit clients to your business

Create a business & life you feel good about.

In this 60-Day 1:1 personalized startup business program, you'll ...

  • Focus on your strengths & strategy with your customized done-with-you business plan in the monthly coaching and strategy sessions with Sherry—The Biz Starter.
  • Get a steady stream of clients and create a profitable business with 3 months access to training and resources.
  • Create multiple revenue streams with your Custom Monetization Strategy.
  • Stand apart from competitors with your Signature Offer Roadmap.
  • Get help in real-time with an All-Access Pass for 1:1 Office Hours via WhatsApp

...and so much more!

Sherry is amazing! She provides detailed, valuable advice that's helped me 5x grow my business, establish consistent monthly revenue, and thrive as a single mom, allowing me to take care of my family, vacation, and live the life I've always wanted.

Dr. Sherry Perez, Business Strategist

I've been in your shoes before. I understand how overwhelming it is to create consistent income. As a 20+ year entrepreneur, I've helped thousands of busy entrepreneurs, just like you start, position, and monetize their businesses.

Receive the 1:1 guidance and support you need to start and monetize your business in 60 days.

  • There are no boring slides or BS. That's not my style.
  • I won't have you doing busywork for weeks
  • I won't have you list-build for months
  • I focus on you, your business, and 3 specific areas to make your business a success!

    To Get Your Personal Invitation for Open Enrollment

    We respect your privacy. We hate spam.

    The February 2025 Waitlist Closes in...